What is a Plantar Wart

What is a Plantar Wart

What is a Plantar Wart? Warts or Verrucas – commonly referred to on the feet as plantar warts or verruca pedis, are caused by a common virus that can be very painful on the sole of the foot.  The virus is a benign type of Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). The HPV...
How To Treat Cracked Heels

How To Treat Cracked Heels

How To Treat Cracked Heels How to treat cracked heels is a common question at this time of year. You might have been on holidays or getting around in sandals, thongs or bare feet due to the warmer weather. Heel cracks are something we are all prone to, but some...
Blood Flow in your Feet

Blood Flow in your Feet

Your feet are the structures furthest from your heart, so the blood has to flow furthest to reach your toes. It is possible that there may be narrowing or even blockages in the arteries supplying your feet. Identifying blood flow problems early can help you get the...
Foot Pain and COVID-19

Foot Pain and COVID-19

Foot Pain and COVID-19 There has been a lot of confusion around symptoms caused by coronavirus, and determining if you have a common cold, normal winter flu, hay fever from the wattle flowers – which seem to have come early in some places, or if it’s COVID-19 and you...
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