by | Jan 20, 2022 | feet|summer
I you are heading away from home please remember that your feet are never on holiday! Read on for our foot health tips to ensure you have a happy holiday. This means that you must continue with any ongoing treatment or care whilst you are away. Don’t forget the...
by | Oct 26, 2021 | Conditions|feet, feet|summer, Uncategorized
After seeing people with suspect lesions Jolene Meany wanted to check for skin cancers on feet. She has carried out some special training and attended courses in the use of the Dermatoscope. This is a device which is designed to magnify and examine the skin surface....
by | Oct 22, 2021 | Conditions|feet|Injury|sports|Sports injuries, feet|summer
What is an ingrown toenail? An ingrown toenail can occur when the hard nail plate causes a wound in the soft flesh around the nail. It’s like a splinter of nail, and usually starts at the front edge of the nail. They can be very painful and bleed or become... by | Dec 1, 2015 | feet|summer
We love our walks on the beach… but are your feet ready for summer? Are you happy for them to be exposed to the world? Get the right treatment and advice to have your feet feeling great. We also have exclusive products to help keep your feet in great shape. Book...