News & Articles
Prevent Sports Injuries
Know Your Sport, Know Your Shoe Regardless of the sport you usually need your feet, excepting perhaps some wheelchair and adaptive sports. The days...
What is a Plantar Wart
What is a Plantar Wart? Warts or Verrucas - commonly referred to on the feet as plantar warts or verruca pedis, are caused by a common virus that...
Foot Health Tips for Happy Holidays
I you are heading away from home please remember that your feet are never on holiday! Read on for our foot health tips to ensure you have a happy...
How To Treat Cracked Heels
How To Treat Cracked Heels How to treat cracked heels is a common question at this time of year. You might have been on holidays or getting around...
What are the best school shoes?
The best school shoes Back to school time. It rolls around every year, and just like Christmas, we are not always ready for it. Whether it is your...
Getting foot pain at the gym?
Help your feet to keep you fit Getting fit but worried about your feet? If you’re heading the the gym or starting a training program you have...
Blood Flow in your Feet
Your feet are the structures furthest from your heart, so the blood has to flow furthest to reach your toes. It is possible that there may be...
How We Check For Skin Cancers On Feet
After seeing people with suspect lesions Jolene Meany wanted to check for skin cancers on feet. She has carried out some special training and...
Ingrown Toenail Treatment
What is an ingrown toenail? An ingrown toenail can occur when the hard nail plate causes a wound in the soft flesh around the nail. It's like a...
Experiencing Foot Pain?
Don’t wait any longer! Our team of specialists can help you.
Get In Touch
02 4342 2878
1 Bullion Street
Umina Beach NSW 2257