by | Feb 24, 2022 | Blog|Conditions|football|Netball|sports|Sports injuries, Uncategorized
Know Your Sport, Know Your Shoe Regardless of the sport you usually need your feet, excepting perhaps some wheelchair and adaptive sports. The days of canvas and rubber sand shoes being the choice for every sport are long gone and thankfully sports shoes are now made...
by | Dec 7, 2021 | Blog
Help your feet to keep you fit Getting fit but worried about your feet? If you’re heading the the gym or starting a training program you have probably been told all about the time commitment and the costs, and maybe you have established some real goals to achieve. You...
by | Oct 26, 2021 | Conditions|feet, feet|summer, Uncategorized
After seeing people with suspect lesions Jolene Meany wanted to check for skin cancers on feet. She has carried out some special training and attended courses in the use of the Dermatoscope. This is a device which is designed to magnify and examine the skin surface....
by | Sep 24, 2021 | Uncategorized
Help us celebrate our 40th Birthday In 1981 Umina Podiatry opened for business in a rented room adjacent to a Vet in West Street. Since that time we have seen a long list of podiatrists who have worked in the business, along with fantastic support staff on the front...
by | Aug 25, 2021 | Blog
We are your local NDIS podiatrist that helps people stay mobile and participate in their community. NDIS Podiatrist Provider Registration Number: 4050005876 Umina Podiatry is one of the few fully registered NDIS Podiatrists on the Central Coast, having met the strict...