Help for Bushfire Volunteers Foot Problems

This Post about Bushfire Volunteers

was something that resonated with us.

We were prompted to think about what type of foot problems volunteers are experiencing, and with that in mind we have decided to offer FREE checks and advice to Emergency Services Volunteers in our local area.

If you or someone you know has been volunteering and is suffering with foot problems related to their service, then please get in touch with our office on 0243422878 . We will arrange an appointment to check out your condition and advise on treatment. This might about things like blisters, burns, abrasions, tinea, toenail trouble, or even sprains and strains from many hours on your feet. You can identify foot problems using our diagnostic helper.


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We ask that you bring a current volunteer photo Identification such as a NSW RFS , NSW VRA, NSW SES etc.

Please understand that this offer is made in good faith, and does not include ongoing treatment or follow up consultations.

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